What is the difference between Test File and Test File as Agent?

The GoFiler software provides two similar features for submitting Test filings to the EDGAR system: the Test File and the Test File as Agent functions. Both functions are located on the File menu on the Submission Ribbon. The differences between them are outlined below.

File Test
File Test as Agent

Submits a Test filing to EDGAR using the CIK and EDGAR password specified in the application settings.

Submits a Test filing to EDGAR using the CIK and EDGAR password specified in the application settings.

Form data for the filing is submitted as-is.

Form data for the filing is altered prior to submission to:

  • Change the CIK/CCC combination listed in the Filer Information on the form data to the CIK/CCC combination set in the application settings.
  • Remove notification e-mail addresses from the Notification Information page of the form, if applicable.
  • Remove the contact e-mail address from the Submission Contact Information in the form data, if possible. (If the contact e-mail address is a required field in the form data, then data in this field will not be removed.)
  • Remove all co-registrant information.

The File Test as Agent option allows a filing agent to submit a Test filing to the EDGAR system for the purposes of checking the content of a filing for compliance with EDGAR without associating the filing with the client's CIK and CCC. Because certain form data is removed but the content of documents is submitted as a test filing to EDGAR, filing agents will be able to test HTML, XBRL, or inline XBRL documents for compliance with the EDGAR Filer Manual during the preparation process without associating the filing with the registrant and without sending notification that a test filing has been performed.

Helpful Hints:

  • Because the data on the form is altered prior to using the Test File as Agent function, the form may not validate correctly or may have some errors due to inconsistent information between the form and the EDGAR system. It is also important to remember that a filing agent may not be able to receive an "accepted" filing for some form types. Review accession notices carefully to determine if any errors exist in the content of the filing.