A common mistake occurs when the Default Precision and View/Edit Monetary Facts In fields are left as their default values when creating new presentations during the Add Presentation or Presentation Wizard process. Unfortunately, you cannot simply use the Presentation Properties to change the precision values after you have already tagged data on a presentation. Changing the default precision after facts are created does not update the old facts. It only applies to new facts that are created.
If you have overlooked these fields during the creation of your presentation, you can correct it after facts have been created by using one of the two methods below.
- Use the Fact Properties on all the facts on the presentation to make sure they are set to the correct value. This process may take some time, depending on the number of facts on a presentation. To do this, place the selector on the cell containing the fact and press the Fact Properties button in the Data Toolset of the XBRL Ribbon. On the dialog that appears, set the Precision to the correct value. Use the Data tab to verify the raw data of the fact.
- Select all the financial figures on the presentation and copy the data to the clipboard. Then go to each cell and press the Delete key to delete all the facts. Then, after changing the settings to the correct values on the Presentation Properties dialog, paste the financial figures back into the sheet. It is important not to Cut the data as the Cut function does not always remove the fact from the report even though the cell will appear to be empty. This because facts may appear on more than one presentation. The Delete key will ensure the fact is removed from the report.