Filing to EDGAR

This category contains information about the EDGAR filing process.


This category contains information about using the EDGAR Next Beta. Please note that EDGAR Next has been released for comment by the SEC in a beta mode and does not necessarily reflect the final EDGAR Next system. Articles in this category are subject to change.


How does GoFiler transmit filings to the SEC?
GoFiler's transmission process is very simple. When you press the File Live or File Test button in GoFiler, the application submits your filing via the SEC web portal in the same manner as if you had manually submitted the filing using Inter...
How do I set up my filing credentials?
How to set up EDGAR filing credentials in GoFiler
Can I manually file submissions created in GoFiler?
How to file GoFiler submissions manually through the EDGAR Filing Website.
Can I restore a filing to EDGARLink Online?
How to restore an EDGAR submission in EDGARLink Online
Is there a way to know what company transmitted a filing to EDGAR?
Registrants may not always submit filings to EDGAR using their own Central Index Key (or CIK). When a company registers with the SEC, they are assigned a CIK that they can use to transmit data to EDGAR. CIKs are 10 digit numbers that are used on the...
How do I update an EDGAR password?
The EDGAR Password is a twelve-character code that allows a filer to log into the EDGAR system. Filers with a valid CIK and Password combination will be able to log into the EDGAR system to submit filings to EDGAR. The Password must have at least o...
What is the EDGAR PMAC?
The Password Modification Authorization Code (PMAC) is an EDGAR access code that is used specifically to modify the Password that is used to log into the EDGAR system for a particular CIK. This code is automatically generated by EDGAR upon acceptanc...
How do I update an expired EDGAR Password?
The EDGAR Password is a twelve-character code that allows a filer to log into the EDGAR system. Filers with a valid CIK and Password combination will be able to log into the EDGAR system to submit filings to EDGAR. The Password must have at least o...
How do I request a new EDGAR Passphrase?
How to request a new EDGAR passphrase
How do I get a new set of EDGAR access codes?
EDGAR access codes are generated by the SEC upon acceptance of the Form ID. These codes are used to identify a company or individual and also enable a filer to access the EDGAR system and submit filings. Due to the sensitive nature of EDGAR filings,...
What is the difference between Test File and Test File as Agent?
The GoFiler software provides two similar features for submitting Test filings to the EDGAR system: the Test File and the Test File as Agent functions. Both functions are located on the File menu on the Submission Ribbon. The differences between the...