How do I set up my filing credentials?

You can store your EDGAR credentials within GoFiler's application Preferences. Credentials that have been set in the Preferences will be used for every submission that is filed (both TEST and LIVE) through the software. EDGAR credentials can be updated or changed at any time.

To set up your filing credentials:

  1. Click File > Preferences.
  2. Click the EDGAR tab.
  3. Enter your CIK into the CIK field.
  4. Enter your CCC into the CCC field.
  5. Enter your EDGAR system password into the Password field.
  6. (Optional) Click the Verify button to verity that the CIK/CCC/Password combination is valid.
  7. Click OK to save the filing credentials.

Helpful Hints:

  • In addition to the various File functions, the EDGAR filing credentials that are stored in the application are used for logging into EDGAR to retrieve certain kinds of information such as accession messages. Credentials are also used by the Novaworks Login Assistant to log into the EDGAR system when using functions like Send to EDGARLink Online.