How do I update an EDGAR password?

The EDGAR Password is a twelve-character code that allows a filer to log into the EDGAR system. Filers with a valid CIK and Password combination will be able to log into the EDGAR system to submit filings to EDGAR.

The Password must have at least one number (0-9) and at least one special character (@, #, $, or *) and is case-sensitive. Passwords expire twelve months from the date they were created or last changed. You can change passwords more frequently than every twelve months.

It is recommended that you update your Password before it expires! If you wait until after your Password expires to update it, you will need to generate a completely new set of EDGAR access codes, including a new CCC. If your Password has already expired, you must update your Password using your Passphrase because you will be unable to log into EDGAR.

To update your EDGAR Password:

  1. Use a web browser to navigate to, the EDGAR Filing Website.
  2. Enter your current CIK and Password to log in.
  3. Click the Edit/Retrieve Data link in the left menu bar.
  4. Enter the CIK and CCC of the company whose password you want to update.
  5. Click the Change Company Password or CCC link.
  6. Click the Change Password link.
  7. Enter the CIK.
  8. Enter the Old Password.
  9. Enter the New Password. Copy the new Password to a secure location.
  10. Confirm the New Password.
  11. Enter the Password Modification Authorization Code (PMAC).
  12. Click the Change Password button.

The Change Company Password Acknowledgment page will appear. Make sure to update your Password within GoFiler's settings to prevent log in errors when submitting your next filing to EDGAR.

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