What do I do if the company name on a cover page doesn't match the official SEC name?
What to do if the company name on a cover page doesn't match the official SEC registrant name for a company
How do I create a hidden fact?
How to create a hidden fact in Inline XBRL
How do I tag "none", "N/A" or a dash for the NoTradingSymbolFlag element?
One method of disclosing the NoTradingSymbolFlag fact data is to use a hidden fact . There is another method you can use that will transform the data into an acceptable "true" value for this element. However, you must first generate the Inline XBRL...
How do I create a hidden label for an element?
How to create a hidden label for an element in an Inline XBRL document
Resolving Error: "ix:nonNumeric" must be terminated by the matching end-tag
How to resolve invalid inline tag errors when filing inline XBRL to EDGAR.