Working With Inline XBRL / XDX

This category contains information about creating Inline XBRL reports using the XBRL Data Exchange (XDX) functions available in GoFiler. XDX engrams store XBRL information inside an HTML document and are then used to generate Inline XBRL.

Executive Compensation Disclosure (ECD) Taxonomy

This category contains information specifically about tagging a document using the Executive Compensation Disclosure (or ECD) taxonomy.


What do I do if the company name on a cover page doesn't match the official SEC name?
What to do if the company name on a cover page doesn't match the official SEC registrant name for a company
How do I create a hidden fact?
How to create a hidden fact in Inline XBRL
How do I tag "none", "N/A" or a dash for the NoTradingSymbolFlag element?
One method of disclosing the NoTradingSymbolFlag fact data is to use a hidden fact . There is another method you can use that will transform the data into an acceptable "true" value for this element. However, you must first generate the I...
How do I create a hidden label for an element?
How to create a hidden label for an element in an Inline XBRL document
Why does my content look fine in the SEC's Inline XBRL Viewer but the styling is different when viewed as XBRL?
How to correct issues with styling differences between the SEC Inline XBRL Viewer and XBRL Previewer
Resolving Error: "ix:nonNumeric" must be terminated by the matching end-tag
How to resolve invalid inline tag errors when filing inline XBRL to EDGAR.