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The GoFiler Applications
Installation and System Requirements
What operating systems can I use with GoFiler?
Can I move GoFiler from one computer to another?
Can I use GoFiler on a terminal server?
How can I access GoFiler remotely from my home?
Troubleshooting: How to Recover Your Software Registration
Filing to EDGAR
How do I enable the EDGAR Next Beta in GoFiler?
What is a TOTP secret key?
How do I add GoFiler to as an authentication method?
How does GoFiler transmit filings to the SEC?
How do I set up my filing credentials?
Can I manually file submissions created in GoFiler?
Can I restore a filing to EDGARLink Online?
Is there a way to know what company transmitted a filing to EDGAR?
How do I update an EDGAR password?
What is the EDGAR PMAC?
How do I update an expired EDGAR Password?
How do I request a new EDGAR Passphrase?
How do I get a new set of EDGAR access codes?
What is the difference between Test File and Test File as Agent?
How can I copy the entries in my CIK Library over to my Reporting Owner Library?
Project Wizard
How do I add new default templates to the Project Wizard?
Why didn't the Project Wizard pickup my template?
How do I change the default templates directory for the Project Wizard?
How do I set default project settings?
How do I store profiles for multiple filing agents?
How can I change what browsers are available for proofing?
Can I create custom templates for proofs?
What are the keywords to create custom proofing templates?
How do I copy my GoFiler settings from one computer to another?
How can I set up a permanent application settings template?
How do I enter my EDGAR access codes into GoFiler?
Troubleshooting Errors
How to decipher error codes
How to fix error code 3 (ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)
How to fix error code 5 (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
Troubleshoot: GoFiler on a server doesn't open or asks for the registration key on open and then immediately closes
Troubleshoot: The Check for Updates function doesn't download the latest version
Working With EDGAR Forms
Form 13F-HR
Form 13H
How do I file Form 13H?
Form C
Form D
Form MA
Form N-CEN
Form N-MFP2
Form SDR
Section 16 (Forms 3, 4 and 5)
What do I do if my footnote/remarks are too long for Section 16?
Transfer Agent Forms
How do I calculate fees for EDGAR forms?
Where can I find the correct state or country code for an entry in my filing?
Troubleshoot: Could not open fee rate table. The system cannot find the path specified. (code 3)
Working With HTML Documents
How do I insert a bookmark into my document?
How do I insert a hyperlink into my document?
How can I add hyperlinks for my exhibits?
How do I share the Exhibit Linker's EDGAR Cache folder?
Importing and Conversion
How do I import data from PowerPoint?
How do I stop text from appearing to the left and/or right side of a table?
Why can't I control the pagination of my HTML document?
Working With Inline XBRL / XDX
Executive Compensation Disclosure (ECD) Taxonomy
What do I do if the company name on a cover page doesn't match the official SEC name?
How do I create a hidden fact?
How do I tag "none", "N/A" or a dash for the NoTradingSymbolFlag element?
How do I create a hidden label for an element?
Why does my content look fine in the SEC's Inline XBRL Viewer but the styling is different when viewed as XBRL?
Resolving Error: "ix:nonNumeric" must be terminated by the matching end-tag
Working With XBRL
Mapping Elements
How do I map “Cash at beginning...” and “Cash at ending...” on a Statement of Cash Flows?
What are element templates and how can I use them?
XBRL Facts
What do View/Edit Monetary Facts and Default Precision really mean?
How do I change the precision of facts on a presentation?
Understanding XBRL Calculations
What do I do when a standard element has no balance type?
How do I add a balance type for a custom element?
Previewing and Viewing XBRL
How can I tell what my XBRL report will look like once filed?
How do I preview my report on the SEC’s website?
Can I preview my report using GoFiler?
What are the SEC previewer options?
Troubleshoot: Manually Installing the SEC Previewer
Fixing Empty Element Names
Encountering warnings with dei:EntityShellCompany validation
Does an XBRL report need to be posted on a corporate website?
How do I create a namespace for my XBRL report?
How do I import a table to XBRL?
What do I do if my interactive data was removed from a Live filing?
What are the requirements for XBRL, and what do the “levels” of tagging mean?
How do I get the latest version of my software?
Where can I find information about the software licenses I own?
How do I enable beta features for my software?
Novaworks Login Assistant
How can I get the Novaworks Login Assistant?
How do I deploy the Novaworks Login Assistant to my entire organization using Edge?
How do I deploy the Novaworks Login Assistant to my entire organization using Chrome?
How do I deploy the Novaworks Login Assistant to my entire organization using Firefox?
What do I do if the extension is blocked by my organization?
How do I update the Novaworks Login Assistant extension?
Clipboard Applications
Clipboard Scout
What are the benefits of registering my software?
Compliance Utilities
SEC Exhibit Explorer
What are the benefits of registering my software?
SEC Extractor
What are the benefits of registering my software?
Compliance Utilities
This category contains information about our utilities and tools to aid in SEC EDGAR compliance.
SEC Exhibit Explorer
This category contains information about the SEC Exhibit Explorer.
SEC Extractor
This category contains information about the SEC Extractor.
About this Article
Created: 03/28/2025 10:54 pm EDT
Last updated: 03/28/2025 10:54 pm EDT
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