Working With XBRL

This category contains information about XBRL financial reports.

Mapping Elements

This category contains information about mapping XBRL elements in a report.

Articles here will have information on how to use the tools in the GoFiler applications to locate elements, choose the appropriate element properties, and add those elements to XBRL reports. Additionally, you’ll find information on how to create XBRL extension elements (also known as custom elements) and when it is appropriate to use them.

XBRL Facts

This category contains information about editing XBRL facts.


This category contains information about using XBRL calculations.

Previewing and Viewing XBRL

This category contains information about using the SEC’s XBRL previewer and viewer.


This category contains articles to help troubleshoot issues that may occur during the creation and validation of XBRL reports.


Does an XBRL report need to be posted on a corporate website?
Yes.  As part of the SEC's ruling for interactive data disclosure, filers are required to post their financial statements in interactive data format on their corporate website the same day it was filed (or was required to be filed) to the S...
How do I create a namespace for my XBRL report?
The namespace identifies the extended elements being used in the report as well as the data for the report. When using GoFiler Complete or GoXBRL, you do not need to know how to create a namespace. The application will create a namespace based on in...
How do I import a table to XBRL?
You cannot directly copy a table from Microsoft Word or other word processing applications and paste it into XBRL View. If you have a Word document as your source, the document that contains the table should be brought into GoFiler and converted to ...
What do I do if my interactive data was removed from a Live filing?
In the event that an XBRL report contains errors or is improperly formatted, the EDGAR System will truncate the filing. This will remove the interactive data from the filing to allow the non-XBRL portions of the filing to be accepted by the EDGAR Sy...
What are the requirements for XBRL, and what do the “levels” of tagging mean?
The XBRL filing requirements are often referred to as “levels of tagging” due to the initial phase-in of XBRL for EDGAR. XBRL filers must complete all levels of tagging in the report and XBRL reports must contain all reported periods in ...