Previewing and Viewing XBRL

This category contains information about using the SEC’s XBRL previewer and viewer.


How can I tell what my XBRL report will look like once filed?
The SEC provides a free viewer so you can privately preview your XBRL reports prior to filing them. This previewer renders reports in a similar manner to the SEC Interactive Data Viewer, which is used to render XBRL reports that have been filed live...
How do I preview my report on the SEC’s website?
In early 2018, the SEC removed the ability to preview XBRL reports using their website. Filers can still download the SEC's previewer software and install it on a computer to preview reports locally. To download the SEC's rendering software,...
Can I preview my report using GoFiler?
GoFiler includes a function to preview your XBRL report by downloading and installing the SEC’s XBRL previewer software. This function will handle the set up of the XBRL previewer software for you by downloading the necessary components from t...
What are the SEC previewer options?
The SEC previewer options allow you to change certain behavior for the SEC previewer software and the Proof to SEC Previewer function. Options for the previewer can be accessed by clicking on the Publish  button on the File Ribbon and choosi...
Troubleshoot: Manually Installing the SEC Previewer
How to manually install the SEC Previewer